Is Life Meaningless?
The Purpose & Meaning of Life Series: While we may not be able to identify the meaning of your life, this lesson will transform your understanding of your place in the great story of life. It will give you deep insights into the meaning and purpose of your life.
You Are Co-Creating the Universe!
You have a starring role in the great story of life. It took the universe 13.8 billion years to become aware of itself and it has done so through you. This is a brute fact of life and perhaps life’s greatest awareness. With this awareness, humanity has the privilege and the responsibility of co-creating the…
The Greatest Source of Human Suffering
There is something almost everyone does in a split second that alters the direction of their life. The say to themselves “I’ll be happy someday”; someday is a superstition. It is a trick of the mind and the greatest source of unnecessary suffering. You can end it now a quickly as it started.